GLOBALBULD CAPITAL INVESTMENT COMPANY is an Australia registered company located at Level 17/120 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, which has been active since 10th September 2020 and was registered under goods and services with the Australian government GST and their authority since 01 July 2022. The company's ACN number (146726856) ABN number (12870290). Their business is recorded as an Australian proprietary company, limited by share.
Globalbuld Capital investment has the largest shareholders in forex trading, cryptocurrency exchange, real estate business, petroleum, stock business, and some other commodities, which fetches them more money to pay our investors on a daily basis. We always rank top when it comes to transparency, and our clients always enjoy and are comfortable with the stable return of their accounts.
Globalbuld Capital investment company has made the opportunity available for our individual and members to earn with our investment with our strong partner in the program.
Globalbuld Capital investment allows their investors to start with a minimum of $100 to earn 1.5% daily and withdraw after 6 days of maturity. The company also offers a 10% referral bonus on every deposit for the person you invited to the company.